October 8, 2014

OOooOOooOO ~~ Spook-tacular De-gore-ations! ~~ OOooOOooOO

As wisps of its decaying burial shroud frayed around it, the long silent skeleton suddenly felt itself jerking awake with an almost electric jolt. Gray bone fingers clawed their way through the roots of the dying vegetation that covered its grave, obeying an inescapable desire - no, command - to rise and once more roam the world of the living...

Nearby, in another windswept corner of the abandoned cemetery someone, or something, clad in all black hastily made a quick escape, leaving behind a blood-spattered severed hand as the grisly evidence of a misbegotten act. A shallow grave for a dismembered enemy? The remains of a diabolical meal?

Spinning wildly in all directions, the lidless, spider-wracked eyes of the cemetery guardian took in these scenes and still other, more disturbing ones. A mute witness, it served its time until the curse of its existence could be broken...

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